MBA in General Management Executive (EN)

WWEDU World Wide Education GmbH

Dauer: 24 Monate
7.200 €
(EUR 7.200,- Without taxes pursuant to sec. 6 par 1 subpar. 11 lit. A Sales Tax Act(UStG); plus official representation of Austrian university students fee amounting to EUR 17,50/semester)


Detaillierte Informationen

Typ: MBA
Methode: E-Learning
Abschluss / Zertifikat: The graduates of the continuing education course „MBA in General Management - Executive“ are awarded by FH Burgenland the academic degree “Master of Business Administration”, abbreviated “MBA”.
Vorbereiten für: The course conveys special skills to be able to fulfill interdisciplinary management functions. Focus is put on internationalisation, strategic thinking, management techniques and problem solving skills.
Zielgruppe: Thus particularly managers, entrepreneurs and people with work experience preparing for management positions are being addressed. On the other hand the programme offers for people who have specific knowledge in certain areas of studies the accompanying management skills to complement their technical education with in-service training.
Voraussetzungen: • Internationally recognized domestic or foreign academic degree (at least bachelor level) or another equivalent qualification to be evaluated by the Course Director as follows: • high school diploma (equivalent) and a minimum of five years of relevant professional practice or • Completion of a studies course (courses at university or university of applied sciences level and equal other courses) of at least 60 ECTS credits or an equal diploma course from the Joseph Schumpeter Institute Wels together with a minimum of three years of relevant professional practice.

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The course, a postgraduate program for (future) executives, who have no time for full time studies, provides its students with the necessary knowledge for management positions and leadership roles in national and international corporations, private and public.

The studies course enables the graduates to understand economics and find solutions for problems with the help of scientific approach. The graduates develop the skill of critical reflection and get the necessary broad picture to understand the context.

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WWEDU World Wide Education GmbH

Die WWEDU World Wide Education GmbH ist eine außeruniversitäre, wissenschaftliche Bildungseinrichtung mit Sitz in Wels, Oberösterreich.

Unsere Lernprogramme sind aktuell und die Lernunterlagen auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik. Wahlweise erhalten Sie die Studienunterlagen auf Internet-basierenden Technologien oder auf iPod oder externer Festplatte.

Unser weltweiter Zugriff auf Vortragende und Fachleute gewährt Ihnen den Vorteil, Ihr Studium auf höchstem Niveau – auch mit Hilfe unserer internationalen Partner – zu absolvieren.

Recherche ähnlich wie Business und Management

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